Current and Past Research

Current Research

Soil Aggregate Study

Gwendolyn Pipes

PhD Candidate

Department of Soil Sciences

Surveillance for Ticks and Vector Bourne Diseases

Dr. Xia Lee

Vector Biologist

Midwest Center for Excellence: Vector Borne Disease

Past Research

A wealth of knowledge has been generated by researchers that come to Upham Woods, both in natural sciences and human sciences. Over the last several decades, researchers have published almost 50 scientific journal articles that have cumulatively been cited over 6,600 times. Much of the past research done at Upham Woods used remote sensing technology to answer questions about forest ecosystems, ranging from the chemical makeup of roots and leaves to nutrient cycling in the forest canopy.

Two deer exclosures were constructed on Blackhawk Island in 1988. The exclosures are located on the east side of Overland Trail near the intersection of Overland and White Tail Trails and off of Narrows Trail approximately half-way between Devil’s Elbow and Upham Cave. These exclosures were randomly sampled for several years to catalog and compare the exclosure and the surrounding area.

There is a distinct and obvious difference between inside the exclosures and outside. According to Upham Woods archives, during the late 80’s and early 90’s deer browse was at its worse. There was virtually no regeneration other than maple saplings to succeed the yellow birch, oak, pine, and hemlock outside of the exclosures, which the island has been so well known for. Inside both exclosures during this time period, there was a near complete ground cover of grass, forbs, and woody seedlings compared to the scattered forbs and virtually no woody seedlings on the outside. Today, the exclosures still show a marked difference between browsed and not-browsed vegetation, however, not as extreme as the 1980’s and 1990’s. Deer management practices have helped limit deer browse. In the exclosures today, you can expect to find putty root (Aplectrum hyemale), bellwort (Actaea spicata), bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius), ramp (Allium tricoccum), maidenhair fern (Adiantum), Jack-in-the Pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum), and much more.

Buck walking through the snow

A buck was spotted on our trailcam by our Blackhawk Island campsite.

Upham is currently using trail cameras to conduct an observational study to track relative deer abundance. This will allow land managers to assess the change in herd populations and approximate the sex ratio. Observational data is recorded via trail cameras. In order to compare years, data must be collected in the same manner during the same time period each year. The fall season dates of observation on Blackhawk Island are 10/14-12/2. A spring time monitoring will also take place to determine doe to fawn ratios and fawn recruitment rates. A date for the spring observations have not been determined yet, as it will rely on river conditions and access to Blackhawk Island.

From just this preliminary data, we are unable to fully estimate the deer population. However, we are able to start our comparative study of relative abundance. From the rate of deer observations per hour, we can compare the changing abundance through the years and estimate the effectiveness of current deer management and deer population size on Blackhawk Island. For more information on this monitoring effort check out Upham’s Deer Monitoring Report 2019

According to Upham Woods Archives, a crew of DNR employees, led by Jed Meunier, sampled three locations – two spots in the Dells of the Wisconsin River State Natural Area (WD67, WD1), one in Rocky Arbor State Park (RA) as well as a couple samples, one which was dated, from Mirror Lake State Park (ML). The graph below is a representation of the samples where each horizontal line is a sample, usually a cross section from a stump via a tree cut around European-settlement but occasionally later (subsequent harvests). The dates at the bottom represent fires on > 2 samples. There were obviously frequent fires. 225 unique fire years from 1634 – 2018, and a Mean Fire Return Interval of 4.74 years for fires on > 2 samples. Many of these fire years were synchronous across large regions of Wisconsin (and also Michigan). The DNR has data for over 60 stands throughout Wisconsin including several sites in the Central Sands Ecological Landscape (Quincy Bluff, Fort McCoy, Levis Mound, Bruce Mound, Wildcat Ridge, Stony Bluff) and Baraboo Hills.

Blackhawk Island has had fire suppressed similar to the rest of the region since at least 1941 when the University of Wisconsin acquired the land. There was a fire that swept over Blackhawk Island in April of 1980 that, according the Lyndon Station Fire Department, was started by sparks from a Milwaukee Road freight train. The fire itself burned approximately 1,500-2,000 acres of wooded land. Several maple trees on Blackhawk Island show burn scars from this fire. According to neighbors’ accounts, the last fire before this was in 1912. No other records remain from the 1912 fire.


Title Author Year Publication
Aspects of the biology of Trientalis borealis Raf. Anderson, R. C., & Loucks, O. L. 1973 Ecology, 54(4), 798-808
Geology, soils and vegetation of Blackhawk Island, Wisconsin Pastor, J., Aber, J. D., McClaugherty, C. A., & Melillo, J. M. 1982 American Midland Naturalist, 266-277.
Lignin and holocellulose relations during long-term decomposition of some forest litters. Long-term decomposition in a Scots pine forest. IV Berg, B., Ekbohm, G., & McClaugherty, C. 1984 Canadian Journal of Botany, 62(12), 2540-2550
Aboveground production and N and P cycling along a nitrogen mineralization gradient on Blackhawk Island, Wisconsin Pastor, J., Aber, J. D., McClaugherty, C. A., & Melillo, J. M. 1984 Ecology, 65(1), 256-268.
Fine root turnover in forest ecosystems in relation to quantity and form of nitrogen availability: a comparison of two methods Aber, J. D., Melillo, J. M., Nadelhoffer, K. J., McClaugherty, C. A., & Pastor, J. 1985 Oecologia, 66(3), 317-321
Rate of aerobic nitrogen transformations in six acid climax forest soils and the effect of phosphorus and CaCO3 Sahrawat, K. L., Keeney, D. R., & Adams, S. S. 1985 Forest Science, 31(3), 680-684.
High Resolution Spectrometry of Leaf and Canopy Chemistry for Biochemical Cycling Spanner, M. A., Peterson, D. L., Acevedo, W., & Matson, P. 1985
Nitrogen availability in some Wisconsin forests: comparisons of resin bags and on-site incubations Binkley, D., Aber, J., Pastor, J., & Nadelhoffer, K. 1986 Biology and Fertility of Soils, 2(2), 77-82.
Nitrogen release from litter in relation to the disappearance of lignin Berg, B., & McClaugherty, C. ( 1987 Biogeochemistry, 4(3), 219-224.
Prediction of leaf chemistry by the use of visible and near infrared reflectance spectroscopy Card, D. H., Peterson, D. L., Matson, P. A., & Aber, J. D. 1988 Remote Sensing of Environment, 26(2), 123-147.
Remote sensing of forest canopy and leaf biochemical contents Peterson, D. L., Aber, J. D., Matson, P. A., Card, D. H., Swanberg, N., Wessman, C., & Spanner, M 1988 Remote Sensing of Environment, 24(1), 85-108.
Remote sensing of canopy chemistry and nitrogen cycling in temperate forest ecosystems Wessman, C. A., Aber, J. D., Peterson, D. L., & Melillo, J. M. 1988 Nature, 335(6186), 154-156.
Nitrogen and phosphorus release from decomposing litter in relation to the disappearance of lignin. Berg, B., & McClaugherty, C. 1989 Canadian Journal of Botany, 67(4), 1148-1156.
An evaluation of imaging spectrometry for estimating forest canopy chemistry Wessman, C. A., Aber, J. D., & Peterson, D. L. 1989 International Journal of Remote Sensing, 10(8), 1293-1316.
Remote sensing of litter and soil organic matter decomposition in forest ecosystems. Aber, J. D., Wessman, C. A., Peterson, D. L., Melillo, J. M., & Fownes, J. H. 1990 In Remote sensing of biosphere functioning (pp. 87-103). Springer, New York, NY
Determination of nitrogen, lignin, and cellulose content of decomposing leaf material by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy McLellan, T. M., Aber, J. D., Martin, M. E., Melillo, J. M., & Nadelhoffer, K. J. 1991 Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 21(11), 1684-1688.
Remote sensing of soil processes Wessman, C. A. 1991 Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 34(1-4), 479-493
Comparison of methods for calibrating AVIRIS data to ground reflectance. In 5th Annual Airborne Geoscience Workshop Clark, R. N., Swayze, G., Heidebrecht, K., Goetz, A. F., & Green, R. O. 1993 AVIRIS. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif (pp. 35-36).
Measurements of canopy chemistry with 1992 AVIRIS data at Blackhawk Island and Harvard Forest. Martin, M. E., & Aber, J. D. 1993
Measurements of foliar chemistry using laboratory and airborne high spectral resolution visible and infrared data. Martin, M. E. 1994
Factors controlling ecosystem structure and function Vitousek, P. M. 1994 Factors of Soil Formation: A Fiftieth Anniversary Retrospective, 33, 87-97
Maximum decomposition limits of forest litter types: a synthesis. Berg, B., Johansson, M. B., Ekbohm, G., McClaugherty, C., Rutigliano, F., & Santo, A. V. D. 1996 Canadian Journal of Botany, 74(5), 659-672.
Full-scene subnanometer HYDICE wavelength calibration. Goetz, A. F., & Heidebrecht, K. B. 1996 In Hyperspectral Remote Sensing and Applications (Vol. 2821, pp. 85-92). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Modeling leaching as a decomposition process in humid montane forests Currie, W. S., & Aber, J. D. 1997 Ecology, 78(6), 1844-1860.
Estimating forest canopy characteristics as inputs for models of forest carbon exchange by high spectral resolution remote sensing. Martin, M. E., & Aber, J. D. 1997 In The Use of Remote Sensing in the Modeling of Forest Productivity (pp. 61-72). Springer, Dordrecht.
High spectral resolution remote sensing of forest canopy lignin, nitrogen, and ecosystem processes Martin, M. E., & Aber, J. D. 1997 Ecological applications, 7(2), 431-443.
Foliage litter quality and annual net N mineralization: comparison across North American forest sites. Scott, N. A., & Binkley, D. 1997 Oecologia, 111(2), 151-159.
Determining forest species composition using high spectral resolution remote sensing data Martin, M. E., Newman, S. D., Aber, J. D., & Congalton, R. G. 1998 Remote Sensing of Environment, 65(3), 249-254.
Spectroscopic determination of leaf biochemistry using band-depth analysis of absorption features and stepwise multiple linear regression. Kokaly, R. F., & Clark, R. N. 1999 Remote sensing of environment, 67(3), 267-287.
Nitrogen controls on fine root substrate quality in temperate forest ecosystems Hendricks, J. J., Aber, J. D., Nadelhoffer, K. J., & Hallett, R. D. 2000 Ecosystems, 3(1), 57-69.
A method for predicting fresh green leaf nitrogen concentrations from shortwave infrared reflectance spectra acquired at the canopy level that requires no in situ nitrogen dat Bortolot, Z. J., & Wynne, R. H. 2003 International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24(3), 619-624.
Influence of disturbance on temperate forest productivity Peters, E. B., Wythers, K. R., Bradford, J. B., & Reich, P. B. 2013 Ecosystems, 16(1), 95-110
Upload download: Empowering students through technology-enabled problem-based learning Eitel, K., Hougham, J. R., Miller, B., Schon, J., & LaPaglia, K. 2013 Science Scope, 36(7), 32.
Spectroscopic determination of leaf morphological and biochemical traits for northern temperate and boreal tree species Serbin, S. P., Singh, A., McNeil, B. E., Kingdon, C. C., & Townsend, P. A. 2014 Ecological Applications, 24(7), 1651-1669.
The value of a tree: comparing carbon sequestration to forest products Schon, J., Hougham, R. J., Eitel, K., & Hollenhorst, S. 2014 Science Scope, 37(7), 27.
Mitigation and adaptation: critical perspectives toward digital technologies in place-conscious environmental education Greenwood, D. A., & Hougham, R. J. 2015 Policy futures in education, 13(1), 97-116.
Technology-enriched STEM investigations of place: Using technology to extend the senses and build connections to and between places in science education Hougham, R. J., Eitel, K. C. B., & Miller, B. G. 2015 Journal of Geoscience Education, 63(2), 90-97.
Creating a research to classroom pipeline: closing the gap between science research and educators Schon, J., Eitel, K. B., Hendrickson, D., & Hougham, J. 2015
Lessons learned from the design and development of technology-enhanced outdoor learning experiences Veletsianos, G., Miller, B. G., Eitel, K. B., Eitel, J. U., Hougham, R. J., & Hansen, D. 2015 TechTrends: Linking Research and Practice to Improve Learning, 59(4), 78-86.
To unplug or plug in Hougham, R. J., & Kerlin, S. 2016 Green Teacher, (111)
Engaging At-Risk Populations Outdoors Hougham, R. J., Nutter, M., Nussbaum, A., Riedl, T., Myers, M., Berget, L., … & Oszuscik, S. 2016
Bridging natural and digital domains: Attitudes, confidence, and interest in using technology to learn outdoors Hougham, R. J., Nutter, M., & Graham, C. 2018 Journal of Experiential Education, 41(2), 154-169
Status and Needs of Environmental Education Related Organizations in Wisconsin: Results from the 2019 state-wide survey Hougham, J., Morgan, T., Olsen, S., & Herde, I. 2019 Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin – Madison Division of Extension.
Science to Story, Story to Social Hougham, R. J., Herde, I., Loveland, J., Olsen, S., Morgan, T., Steinhauer, M., Goodrow, Z., Myers, M., & Oszuscik, S. 2020 Connected Science Learning, 2(2)
Research Accelerators: Milwaukee Environmental STEM (E-STEM) Project 2019. Hougham, J., Olsen, S., Herde, I., Christian, A., Schuh, C., Goodrow, Z., & Drogemuller, T. 2020 Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin – Madison Division of Extension.
Implementing Ecopedagogy as an Experiential Approach to Decolonizing Science Education Zocher, J. L., & Hougham, R. J. 2020 Journal of Experiential Education, 1053825920908615.
Digital Environmental Literacy: Student Generated Data and Inquiry Hougham, R. J., Nutter, M., Gilbertson, M., & Bukouricz, Q.


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